Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Street Food @ Jl Cibadak, Bandung

Jalan Cibadak is one of iconic night streetfood in Bandung. Either you want to eat some snack or have dinner, there are lots of choices to choose from. One by one, they started to open from 5.30 pm. Here are some that i've tried
Sop Kaki Sapi - Rp 35.000
This is VERY VERY recommended. I often come back to Jalan Cibadak for this searing hot, savoury, generous and tender meat of Sop Kaki Sapi. Yup, I've named all the reason why I like it. You can opt to have babat, meat, or both. But since i don't like babat that much, i only have meat. The meat, potatoes, and tomato are cooked in coconut cream and fragrant cow leg broth, resulted in a wonderful Yum Yum to my palate.

Sop Kaki Sapi & Babat Khas Jakarta
Jl Cibadak 125

Nasi Campur - Rp 30.000
And pork lovers.... This one is for you, Nasi Campur 88. Highlight for the crackling fried pork belly. I just love that crunchy sound as you ate it. Yum!

Nasi Campur 88
Jl Cibadak 137

Strawberry Lychee - Rp 20.000
If you're thirsty, you can try My Juice. They have such a wide range of drink to choose from. You can have juice, milkshake, or smoothie. And their juice, really, there are more fruit choices than any juice counter i've ever been to before. I got mine mixed, Strawberry Lychee. Nice blend, nice thickness. Yum!

My Juice
Jl Cibadak 151

Bihun Manis - Rp 25.000
Since it's quite crowded, i got curious and ordered Bihun Manis from Bakmi Maman. It really surprised me how it came in a big portion. Hence, it's not mixed well with the seasonings. It came with a bowl of meatball, dumpling, radish, and dorokdok. 

Bakmi Maman (near Astana anyar crossroad)
Jl Cibadak

Bola Ubi @ Rp 1.000
What is your favourite snack? One of mine is Bola Ubi. When i got there,  i had a chance to see how it's fried. And.. It's not as simple as i thought. You have to keep kneading while frying Bola Ubi in the wok until it expand round and crispy. I like it when it's still warm. Yum!

Bola Ubi (near Warung Jepang)
Jl Cibadak 105

Sosis Bakar start from Rp 15.000
There's also another choice of snack like this Sosis Bakar Cicipi. You can choose from the selection of bratwurst (short or longer one) and sauce (bbq, blackpepper, or mixed)

Sosis Bakar Cicipi (food truck)
Jl Cibadak, beside Pattaya juice

Well, this wrapped up my culinary journey at Jl Cibadak for now. Hope it helps you a bit if you're confused on what to eat and if it's delicious or not. I'd love to hear it if you have any comments or recommendations.

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