Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sugar Tribe @ Jl Trunojoyo, Bandung

Out of curiosity after looking at their instagram posts, i've come here. Currently there are 2 locations in Bandung (Setrasari & Trunojoyo). Sugar Tribe at Setrasari is a cake shop, while the Trunojoyo branch is a small cake & coffee shop with wooden rustic interior.

Red velvet - Rp 30.000
Red velvet, the mousse & cream cheese are not too neatly layered. There's still a hint of cream cheese & sour chocolate. But i found it overly sweet.

Mismatch - Rp 35.000
Mismatch, love the green tea mousse & little rice balls decoration. It gives a nice crunchy taste when you eat it. Don't like the green sugar coating tho. And again, it's too sweet...

MC Chocochips - Rp 20.000
This MC choco chips is far far from my expectation. The molten cake is not even melting inside and it's lumpy. Can you even call that a molten cake? The vanilla ice cream also has decent taste. I'll never ordered this again.

Overall, it's not a want to comeback for more experience. They really need to improve.

Sugar Tribe
Jl Setrasari Plaza II A2, Setrasari Mall
Jl Trunojoyo no: 15
Open: Daily, 9 am - 9 pm

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