Wednesday, June 29, 2016

One Year - Satu Tahun

Share the yumz is now a year already. Yay!!! Time flew out fast, post after post, it's been such a wonderful gastronomic journey. What a blessed year!

When I looked back to my first post, and compare it to my recent one, I think I've become a better storyteller. I've never been good at writing or even telling stories. I'm a direct kind of person, straight to the point. And still is, if you have a chit chat with me face to face. Lol~

This blog began not because everyone else was blogging, or blogging had become a trend, or another source of income for some. It all began with a simple question 'where?'. It all began with family and friends asking for my recommendations.


From that 'where?', I currently have this personal food diary. And it really help me a lot, when I'm asked about a restaurant/cafe to dine in. Or even the price. It help me remember all the details. And I hope it will help you too.

And this 'where?' has also become my life principle, what I asked myself everyday. Cause you don't have to take a big leap or a big jump or run. Small steps is fine as long as you keep moving toward your dream.

Now... I keep on thinking on what I should make for this 1 year celebration. And here's what I came up with. A food map! This map wrap up sharetheyumz gastronomical delicious journey last year, where each pinpoint is linked to the blog post.

This feels more like an adventure now and I'm so excited to add more pinpoint for the coming year. And to travel to the land of unknown. Aye sir!

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